Pokémon Go Font project hosted on Github

This project is hosted on github where you can find all files including the source ones free to download

Font Glyph Examples

Below are all the currently implemented icons next to the originals that they should resemble

HTML Font-Icon Original
<span class="type-bug"></span>
<span class="type-dark"></span>
<span class="type-dragon"></span>
<span class="type-electric"></span>
<span class="type-fairy"></span>
<span class="type-fighting"></span>
<span class="type-fire"></span>
<span class="type-flying"></span>
<span class="type-ghost"></span>
<span class="type-grass"></span>
<span class="type-ground"></span>
<span class="type-ice"></span>
<span class="type-normal"></span>
<span class="type-poison"></span>
<span class="type-psychic"></span>
<span class="type-rock"></span>
<span class="type-steel"></span>
<span class="type-water"></span>
Weather Status
HTML Font-Icon Original
<span class="weather-clear"></span>
<span class="weather-cloudy"></span>
<span class="weather-fog"></span>
<span class="weather-cloudy-night"></span>
<span class="weather-cloudy-day"></span>
<span class="weather-rain"></span>
<span class="weather-snow"></span>
<span class="weather-sunny"></span>
<span class="weather-windy"></span>
HTML Font-Icon Original
<span class="item-dragonscale"></span>
<span class="item-kingsrock"></span>
<span class="item-metalcoat"></span>
<span class="item-sinnohstone"></span>
<span class="item-sunstone"></span>
<span class="item-upgrade"></span>

Accessible form elements

Above are form elements styled after the game. The checkboxes are meant to resemble those in the games settings menu, the radio button is made up but using the colours of the game. I haven't had a need for a radio button yet.

Pokémon, Pokémon Go and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.